Maybe you’ve bought or sold things online in the past — think the older days of eBay and Craigslist — but you haven’t in quite a while. And while those platforms are still a thing, sellers and buyers are slowly being won over by none other than Facebook Marketplace. It’s a new way: You can learn how to sell on Facebook Marketplace, too.
As an avid Facebook Marketplace shopper and seller, I can vouch for the platform’s wonderful capabilities. Not only does it put the items you are selling in front of people who are searching for similar items, but it also curates a daily pick of items you might be interested in, yourself.
Most of the furniture in my house, plus decor, has been slowly curated through the power of Facebook Marketplace. And I’ve made well over thousands of dollars selling old items I have no use for anymore.
If you’re looking to sell the things you no longer use, learn how to sell on Facebook Marketplace, below.
Another Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure
1. Make a Choice
First, the hard part: choosing which items to part with. Over the years, I’ve sold many things on Facebook Marketplace including furniture, record players, art, clothing and more. Usually, it takes me a while to decide what I want to sell and what I don’t.
For example, I was recently thrifting and spotted this weird cowboy boot vase. It wasn’t my style, but knowing the trends, I knew I could resell it on Facebook Marketplace easily.

But once I do, I can move on to the rest of the process.
2. Money, Money, Money
Second, you may want to do some research on how much your particular item is selling online. Sometimes, I check other reselling websites to get a full picture of how much I can make and what I think is truly a fair price to charge.
For the cowboy boot, I did some research on how much funky pieces were going for, both in vintage shops and in retail stores. I decided on $30.
It’s all about the money, money, money. And if you price your item right, you can make a great profit.
2. Take Great Photos
First, take some pictures of the item or items you want to sell. Make sure they’re clear and show the item in its best light — remember, you’re trying to attract potential buyers.
For my listing, I took a photo at all angles.

3. Time To Create Your Listing
Next, create a listing for your item on Facebook Marketplace. Include all the relevant details, such as the price, condition, and shipping information (if you’re going with local and shipping.)
Mine was short, simple and to the point. It’s important to include details of any imperfections, an accurate description of the item and anything else you feel is relevant.

4. See The Buyers Roll In
Once your listing is live, sit back and wait for interested buyers to get in touch. When I put up the cowboy boot vase, I was hit with dozens of messages from potential buyers asking if I’d hold it for them — and I could choose from any of the picks. I had a feeling it would sell well.
After a buyer has messaged you, and you’re both comfortable, you can agree on a few things: the price of the item and the arrangement for payment and shipping if you’re going that route.
Overall, I ended up selling the cowboy boot vase to a woman who seemed very enthusiastic about the purchase. The process was fun and I even made a few extra bucks.
And you can, too.
Selling on Facebook Marketplace is easy, and a great way to declutter your home and make some extra cash. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try today!